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About Us

We are three frenchies travelling the world and willing to share our experiences about travels and ways of travelling. Today based in Kingston Ontario we want to offer Canadian people a view of Europe and its best invention to travel: trains. 


Hey! Can you spot me at the bottom right hand corner? My name is Camille, I am 23 years old and I am French.
My friends call me the "hippie backpacker". Yeah, you got it, my passion in life is to travel. I have visited more than 30 countries around the world and lived in 3 ( I was raised between France and the UK and now I'm living in Kingston, Canada as an exchange student). Any advices of where to go around Europe at the cheapest prices I'm your man! 


Hi! I am Héloïse, I am 21 years old and I am also French. My picture is in the bottom left corner. Just like Camille, I love travelling around the world. My parents gave me this passion when I was a child. I travelled a lot with them and now enjoy discovering new countries by myself. I'm currently living in Kingston, Canada as I'm in exchange for my studies and I'll start living in Brazil from January for another exchange experience. 


Our team:


Caroline Baudin

Camille Guilleminot

Héloïse Moulinec



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